Planning of a new development is in the works along the north stretch of Tuscany Way in our community. The planning is still early in the process, and the potential builder has applied for a land-use redesignation with the city to slightly increase residential density on the site before they proceed. Below you can find a copy of the conceptual site plan that the Community Association received, as well as our comment on the proposed land-use redesignation to the city of Calgary:
Location and Conceptual Site Plan:
LOC2013-0008 Outline Plan Feb 1 2013
Letter from TCA President, Harpreet Sandhu regarding the proposed land-use redesignation:
March 22, 2013
Circulation Control
Development and Building Approvals #8201
P.O. Box 2100, Station M
Calgary, AB T2P 2M5
e-mail: CPAG.Circ@calgary.caRe: File Number LOC2013-0008
Attention: Ms. Sarah Hbeichi,
The Tuscany Community Association (TCA) respectfully offers the following comments regarding the land use amendment proposal submitted by Homes by Avi on behalf of the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Calgary and 292561 Alberta Inc. (Wenngatz) to change the designation of approximately 18.53 acres of land from the existing land use designations to a combination of Residential Narrow Parcel One Dwelling (R1N) District, Residential Contextual Narrow Parcel One Dwelling (R-C1N) District, Special Purpose School Park and Community Reserve District (S-SPR) District.
Unlike previous applicants seeking land use re-designations in the community, Homes by Avi has not contacted the TCA about the land use redesignation prior to submitting an official application to the City. The TCA strongly encourages pre-application meetings with all applicants in order for the community to work with developers to identify potential community impacts and work towards collaborative solutions. It is hoped that community engagement will be a prerequisite prior to any public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council.
Under the West Scenic Acres Area Structure Plan which designates land use within Tuscany, the subject properties are currently designated for density within the 5-6 units per acre range. The TCA understands the application proposes a re-designation of the property to 6.3 units per acre. From a community perspective, the increased density should be acceptable, as long as the proponents dedicate land to Municipal Reserve and connect walkways within the development to Tuscany’s current pathway system and provide for emergency vehicle access, as outlined in the Conceptual Plan.
The proposal indicates that “the Corporate Planning Applications Group (CPAG) concluded that no Traffic Impact Assessment was required due to the size of this application”. The TCA encourages the City of Calgary to require a Traffic Impact Assessment not because of the “size of the application” but because it will assess sight lines, volumes and ingress and egress of Tuscany Springs Hill NW onto Tuscany Way. Trip generation data from the proposed development should also be included, so future road widening treatments of Tuscany Way can be designed appropriately. At this time, the TCA encourages the City to consider a roundabout at the intersection of Tuscany Springs Hill NW and Tuscany Way as a means to handle increased volumes and pedestrian crossings to and from transit stops at this intersection.
Because the proposed land use designation will infill property at the terminus of Tuscany Way and 12 Mile Coulee Road, it is important to highlight the increased volume of traffic at that intersection. As development continues along 12 Mile Coulee Road both within the City and Rockyview County, traffic volumes and better designed turn lanes should be considered priorities in the City’s transportation and capital planning.
The Tuscany Community Association is also aware that the main trunk of the sanitary wastewater line that serves a large portion of the Northwest is at capacity. A review of how this proposed development will impact the wastewater system and disclosure of system upgrades should be required to ensure that levels of service for existing residents are not further compromised.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed application.
Harpreet Sandhu, AICP
President, Tuscany Community Association
I am not in favour of a roundabout at the intersection of Tuscany Way/Tuscany Springs Hill. I am from the UK and I was glad to see the back of roundabouts. The main reason, drivers do not know how to use them. If you observe what happens at the roundabout close to Crowfoot c-train station, you will see that a dominant flow of traffic occurs. This causes traffic trying to enter the roundabout to wait. A four way stop is far better than a roundabout,. Drivers having to stop for a few seconds is not an inconvenience nor damaging to the environment. Four way stops are also safer for pedestrians. I often see vehicles speeding along Tuscany Way and a four way stop would help deal with this problem.
Please confirm tha the road turning off Twelve Mile Coulee Road will be twinned into four lanes You don’t want a bottleneck there with only two lanes.
With the development in Rockyview Country downhill, i would like to see 12 Mile Coulee Road twinned as well.
In response to the question by @carlsburgaz, a more recent post on our website (see: has published the conceptual plan for the development and the north end of Tuscany Way NW, which includes a plan to widen the road.