Talk in Tuscany – Off Leash in Tuscany 4
I’ve lived in Tuscany for nearly 3 years now, and have always felt safe and welcome in this community. However, I would like to share a story some very UN-neighbourly behaviour I recently encountered.
I’ve lived in Tuscany for nearly 3 years now, and have always felt safe and welcome in this community. However, I would like to share a story some very UN-neighbourly behaviour I recently encountered.
I am beginning to cringe when I see “The Tuscany Sun” in my mailbox. Which is really too bad when you get past people getting not one now, but two whole pages to argue with one another…it is a really good little publication – full of lots of interesting articles and advertisements. But, it’s the arguing that is getting to me ..and I’m not alone.
November 11th – Remembrance Day – is a day we take out of our year to focus for a moment on the people that have served and are currently serving our country during both times of war and times of peace. For many of my friends and family, it has also become a day of focusing on the good things that are in our lives, realigning our thinking with what’s important and what is not and for taking a moment to be truly proud and thankful that we are living in Canada.
To: Community Leaders, Volunteers and Residents to Whom Recreation Matters The Calgary NW Recreation Centre Society (CRNCS) has conducted a review of the top contenders vying to become Calgary’s next mayor to assess their views and policies toward recreation. Our primary concern is to ensure a new regional recreation center is constructed in NW Calgary. However, throughout this process – we learned about broader recreation policies being proposed by candidates. These policies stand to benefit all Calgarians. Please see CNRCS – Mayoral Candidate Review Final1 for our review. This document can also be downloaded from our web site. There is a link to it from the home page. I encourage you to forward this to as many of your friends and family as possible to inform their vote. Thank you! Sandor Kiss Chair, Calgary Northwest Recreation Centre Society
Note: Survey will be ready for mid-November. The City would like you to be aware of an upcoming on-line survey regarding the off-leash management plan. Your direct feedback will give the City vital information regarding off-leash areas in Calgary.