Monthly Archives: November 2013

Update on Proposed Rogers Cell Tower in Tuscany 1

In the spring of 2012, the Tuscany Community Association received notice that Rogers Wireless was planning to erect a cellular tower on the east side of 12 Mile Coulee Park, near Villa d’Este (click here for details). The plan created a bit of a stir with some residents, and on April 26, 2012, Rogers Wireless arranged an open house at the Tuscany Club to engage with our residents. The TCA also solicited feedback from the community and sent responses to the proposal to Rogers and the City of Calgary (click here to see the responses). The TCA recently received notice from Rogers Wireless with a revised plan to construct a cellular tower in the community. The location and type/height of the tower have changed, to address some of the community’s concerns. The details of this plan that were provided to us by Rogers are provided below. The new location is further […]