Twelve Mile Coulee School opened in September, 2012, and this new middle school currently has a population of 850 students Grades 4 – 9, with a capacity of 900. Although there are parks and playgrounds in the neighborhood, they are neither accessible during the school hours for students, nor were they designed with middle school aged children in mind. We are collaborating with the Calgary Board of Education, and the City of Calgary, to build this outdoor fitness area on joint use land on the school grounds.
We have received tremendous support from Tuscany School Council and Tuscany Community Association for this project. Aside from offering an extension to the Physical Education program at TMC School, the outdoor fitness area will provide a reprieve from the children’s studies, a place to play and expend some energy during their breaks, as well as an area for physical and social engagement during all non school hours for youth and families in the community.
Park N Play has been chosen by the design committee to design and equip this area, and we are looking to complete the fitness area in September of 2015. (Click here to see the design.) The estimated cost is over $300,000, and we need your help!
Our project has been approved by the Parks Foundation Calgary for the Project Gift Administration Program (click here for details). All donations over $25.00 will receive a tax receipt from the City, and 100% of your donation will go directly towards the development of the TMC Outdoor Fitness Area. Please bring your cheques to TMC School main office, and include your name, address and phone number to ensure a tax receipt is mailed to you from Parks Foundation Calgary. Mark the envelope:
Attention: Pam Mylrea, TMC Outdoor Fitness Committee Chair.
Make cheques out to: Parks Foundation Calgary
Memo: TMC Outdoor Fitness Area
Crowfoot COBS Bread will donate 5% of any purchase to this project until the end of this calendar year when you mention Twelve Mile Coulee school fundraiser at the time of your purchase. (Click here to see their letter.)
Tuscany Sobeys will do an “add-a-dollar” campaign at their tills, until the end of the 2013-14 school year, with the exception of during Easter as they have another fundraiser. This is currently being set up.
Cookies by George at Market Mall very generously donated 450 cookies to fundraise to TMC students on February 7, bringing in a total of $772 for this project. We will provide an additional Cookies by George fundraiser in March 20 for TMC students to buy a cookie for a toonie.
Steeped Tea returns to Tuscany from February 20 – March 14, and our students will be selling Steeped Tea loose leaf tea and accessories throughout the community.
We have received some very generous donations Kalaidoscope Preschool $1000, Stephanie Campbell from Kirby Cox $250, and Sunnyside Home and Garden $50, to help us make this project a reality.
Our fundraising committee continues to investigate other grants and fundraising opportunities and will be applying for the Alberta Lotteries CFEP grant in early June, 2014. We would love to hear from you about any grant opportunities or contributors to this legacy for TMC School!
Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support. Please contact us with any questions.
Pam Mylrea
TMC Outdoor Fitness Committee Chair