Tuscany is a growing community of almost 20,000 residents. As the community nears completion, it is crucial that amenities be designed to attract & engage residents at every stage of life. To date, Tuscany offers an abundance of facilities geared to preschoolers and younger children. Aside from self-guided activities in Twelve Mile Coulee, however, there is nothing available for our youth and young adults.
The Tuscany Community Association’s motto is: Growing a Safe, Healthy and Enjoyable Community. We are also members of Communities ChooseWell, an Alberta Recreation & Parks Association initiative. We believe in & support healthy eating, active living, and social well-being.
We are working with the TMC Parent Association, the CBE, and the City of Calgary to build an Outdoor Fitness Area on public land located adjacent to the school grounds. This amenity will provide Tuscany youth a safe, free, community-based site for recreation & gathering, as well as competitive & challenging athletic opportunities.
This equipment will offer an extension to the Phys Ed program at TMC, provide play & dining space during breaks, and be a place of physical & social engagement outside of school hours for all residents. Due to its unique design, the equipment will also appeal to adults, particularly personal trainers & participants in outdoor fitness classes.
Overall, this apparatus will provide all Tuscany residents, particularly our youth, with a much needed venue for active pursuits.
Fundraising Update
We continue to work hard to make the TMC Outdoor Fitness Area a reality and are hoping to complete the fitness area by September of 2015. Our project budget is just under $340,000, and we have raised $121,501.79 in cash and in-kind donations. We have recently reapplied to numerous grants and once again approached community homebuilders for potential donations.
The decision for Tuscany Community Association’s application for the Amateur Sport Grant through the Parks Foundation Calgary has been tabled until December, at which time they will determine if we are successful. The Tuscany Community Association received several letters of support for this project from amateur sport organizations, which Parks Foundation was seeking. This grant has a potential of $125,000 for this project. At the time of this writing we are still waiting to hear.
We endeavor to apply for the Alberta government CFEP Grant for the December 15 deadline, as this grant takes six to nine months to process and provide funding. This application will depend on TCA’s success with the Amateur Sport Grant and may require revisiting the design, doing the project in stages, or delaying the build. Our elected MLA, Hon. Sandra Jansen, is aware of our fundraising progress, and she has asked that we keep her updated. She has also written a letter of support for our next CFEP application to the Minister of Culture, Hon. Heather Klimchuk.
Our special thanks go to the Tuscany School Parent Council and Concert Infrastructure/B2L Partnership for their generous donations of $10,000 each to support the TMC Outdoor Fitness Area!
Sincere thanks also go to Cardel Homes/Cardel Renovations for their recent donation of $5000.
The Crowfoot COBS Bread Doughraiser raised $200 for the 2013 – 2014 school year and will continue to donate 5% of any purchase to this project when you mention the Twelve Mile Coulee School fundraiser at the time of your purchase.
The Tuscany Sobey’s “Add-a-Dollar” campaign has concluded. At our last update, $1627 was raised.
Our Steak and Pint Night and Raffle was a huge success, with over $9000 raised for the TMC Outdoor Fitness Area.
Thank you again for your continued support, and please contact us at TMCOutdoorFitnessCommittee@gmail.com if you would like to make a donation to this project or have any questions.