The City of Calgary has received an application to amend the Land Use Designation (zoning) for the property described in the attachment in the attachment (7 Tuscora Crescent NW). As owner of an adjacent property you are hereby advised that City Council will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers Calgary Municipal Building 800 Macleod Trail SE, on Monday January 18, 2010 commencing at 9:30 a.m.
A copy of the proposed bylaws and documents relating to these items may be Inspected beginning on December 24, 2009 between 8:00 a.m. and 430 p.m. Monday to Friday at the Office of the City Clerk, Corporate Records Section, located on the main street level of the Administration Building, 313 – 7 Avenue SE.
Persons wising to submit a letter or other communication concerning these matters may do so provided they are printed, typewritten or legibly written. Only those submissions received by the City Clerk not later that 10:00 o’clock IN THE MORNING OF THURSDAY January 07, 2010 shall be included in the Agenda of Council. Late submissions will not be accepted in the City Clerk’s Office. Submissions must be addressed to:
Office of the City Clerk
The City of Calgary
700 Macleod Trail S
PO Box 2100, Postal Station “M”
Calgary, Alberta T2P 2M5
Submissions may be hand delivered, mailed. faxed to 403-268-2362, or emailed to
The personal information on submissions made regarding this Land Use Redesignation Application is collected under the authority of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 33(c) and subsequent versions of the act The submission may be included in the public meeting agenda of City Council and as such the personal information included in the submission will be publicly available, in accordance with Section 40(1) of the FOIP Act. If you have any questions regarding the collection of this information please contact 403-268-5311 for the FOIP Program Administrator, Planning, Development & Assessment Department, Development & Building Approvals Business Unit, P a. Box 2100, Stn “M”, Calgary, lAb T2P 2M5.
Submissions received by the deadline will be included in the Council Agenda, and will only be used for Council’s consideration of the issue before them. Any person who wishes to address Council on any matter mentioned herein may do so for a period of FIVE MINUTES. The five (5) minutes shall be exclusive of any time required to answer questions. Persons addressing Council shall limit their comments to the matter contained in the report and the recommendations being discussed. Contact the City Clerk at 403-268-5861 for further information.
Anyone wishing to distribute additional material at the meeting shall supply the City Clerk with thirty-five (35) copies at the time of presentation. It should be noted that such additional material will require the approval of the Mayor before distribution to Members of Council. The personnel information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Government Act, Section 636 and Bylaw 30M2002 and is used as part of the agenda of the Public Hearing of Council. If you have questions on the use of this information, you may contact the Council Clerk at 403-268-5861. If the Public Hearing is still in progress at 9:30 o’clock in the evening, Council may conclude the matter under discussion and will reconvene at 1:00 o’clock of the next business day.
Diana Garner, CITY CLERK
The uses and rules that apply to different land use designations are found in the Land’ Use Bylaw 1P2007, except those for the DC District which are available from Development and Building Approvals. Please direct questions with regard to the matters mentioned herein to at 403 268-6774.