Below is a copy of the letter from the Tuscany Community Association on behalf of its residents to the City of Calgary regarding a recent land use amendment proposal to change the designation of a parcel in the extreme north-east part of our community to accommodate a multi-family residential development:
February 4, 2013
Circulation Control
Development and Building Approvals #8201
P.O. Box 2100, Station M
Calgary, AB T2P 2M5
Re: File Number LOC2012-0102
Attention: Mr. David Couroux,
The Tuscany Community Association (TCA) respectfully offers the following comments regardingthe land use amendment proposal submitted by the Foothills Lutheran Church of Calgary tochange the designation of approximately 3.7 acres of land from the existing DC Direct ControlDistrict (DC 14Z2006) to Special Purpose—Community Institutions (S-CI) District and Multi-Residential—Contextual Low Profile (M-C1d57) District.
The TCA appreciates pre-application meetings with the applicants and understands the need forhigher densities within the City of Calgary as outlined in the Municipal Development Plan andPlanIt. However, a critical prerequisite before densities are increased within establishedcommunities is the provision of adequate and safe access to accommodate increased densities.
The applicants have not demonstrated that Tuscany Summit Heath NW was originallydesigned to accommodate multi-family residential use. Furthermore, the Heath is not a viable route to provide ingress and egress for emergency vehicles.
In the Conceptual Site Plan submitted by the applicants, an alternate Emergency Access isproposed through an existing bicycle path. This demonstrates the inadequacy of Tuscany SummitHeath NW to be the main access point for the development. The bike trail in question is not subject to regular snow removal, and does not have the structural strength or width toaccommodate emergency vehicles. This could place the families living in the residential complexas well as first responders in a life threatening situation should an emergency arise and use of the bike trail for access becomes necessary.
Stormwater runoff is currently a significant issue in this part of Tuscany and the additionalimpervious surfaces will further exacerbate unresolved drainage problems. The subject property is located at one of the highest points within Tuscany. Increased runoff will need to be directed a long way through existing infrastructure within the community that is reportedly at capacity. We have no information to suggest the additional runoff can safely be accommodated by the downstream system. System surcharge, flooding, decreased water quality and a number of othersignificant environmental issues and the associated claims for damages are some of the potentialfuture issues that The City would be liable for if it approves this application.
A fundamental principle of sound urban design is that adequate infrastructure must be availablefor high density developments before they are approved by a municipality. If this area wasintended for higher density, road access would have been designed to support the density. We strongly believe the application as presented will not be accommodated by existing infrastructure.
For all the reasons noted above, the application as submitted should be denied by the Planning Commission and City Council.
Harpreet Sandhu, AICP
President, Tuscany Community Association
We encourage residents to provide their comments on this proposed change by leaving comments below or by sending your comments directly using our Contact Us page.