Monthly Archives: March 2010

April Editorial – Top 10

10. Yup, there’s dog poop. Enough said.  9. Spring cleaning? The landfill has e-cycling and hazardous chemical drop off.  8. We will get more snow but spring is coming.  7. Garbage is revealed. Enjoy a lovely walk and take a bag for garbage and a camera for crocus sightings.  6. Cyclists, motorcyclists and motorists – be aware of each other and share the road.  5. Walking, running, playing, jumping – be aware of all the pedestrians out to play.  4. Be outside. Breathe deeply. Hold hands with someone. Lift your face to the sun.  3. Don’t complain about the weather. Be happy you’re here to experience it.  2. Bulbs – tulips, crocuses, daffodils, oh my. 1.  Speaking of bulbs … Christmas lights are right out!  Here’s to a wonderful April. Share your Top 10 (or 9 or 8 or …) thoughts with us, too.

Police are Patrolling and Nice Experience 2

There’s been plenty of talk about traffic safety in our community and the need for more police, so I just wanted to let you know that the police are in Tuscany today enforcing speed limits to help keep pedestrians and motorists safe. Slow down, drive safely and use the ticket money for something else. 🙂 I very nervously approached a woman today who has been consistently parking on our street’s intersection corner  in order to keep watch over the children at the bus stop. I just wanted to say a big thank you to her for her kindness and her pleasant reaction to my approach. When I let her know that our street was concerned about crosswalk safety and explained why parking right at the stop sign was illegal, she thanked me for letting her know and said she’d move to a legal parking spot. This isn’t the reaction all of us have […]