There is a proposed land use change for 7 Tuscarora Crescent NW, which is currently a pre-school day home but is applying to become a Child Care Services Facility that will accommodate up to 35 children. To find out more about this, read Anne Burke’s City update on page 23 of January’s Tuscany Sun.
Whether you support or object to this Land Use Change, you can attend the public meeting being held on January 18th at 9:30am at City Hall to voice your opinion on this matter.
Support for the Change
*Tuscany is in desperate need of daycare facilities
*Care would be conveniently located within the community
*This kind of facility would have to operate under provincial legislation and guidelines as pertaining to child care facilities
Objections for the Change
*site is a former grow-up
*a parking study has not been done – how will cars for 35 children be accommodated without negatively impacting residents?
*once designation is changed, this site will be open for commercial development and will not require a development permit with new owners (i.e. addiction treatment centre, custodial care facility)
*increased noise in a residential area
Share your thoughts with our community by leaving your comments – respectfully written, of course! 🙂
A daycare facility is needed in this community, but it should be located in an existing commercial area where there is sufficient parking.
I live in Triwood, but my parents live close to this proposed facility. I have been battling with a ‘care facility’ for years. It was orginally zoned as a Brain Injured Adult home and without any notification to the residents of Triwood, it changed into a home for Troubled Youths from Nunuvut. These kids have been breaking into cars, sniffing glue, harrassing children on their way to school, stealing from the local businesses to name some of the ‘lighter’ crimes they have been charged with. In one case a child who was removed from the home for car breakins was also charged with Sexual Assault while in custody at the Young Offenders Center.
If this business operator decides to sell her house in 1 year or 20 years, the residents of Tuscany will be at the mercy of the new owner and what he/she would like to do with the home. (And they don’t need to notify anyone if they would like to put a different type of facility in there) If you start this, it will change your community. It will change the feel, the safety and the overall success of the neighborhood.
If the City could make assurances that this type of business is the only type of business allowed at that address, it might be a better situation for all, however, the City can not do that. That is why you need to make sure this facility does not go in.
The Province is too busy to check in on these places and once it’s there, the work that needs to be done to get it out is long and arduous.
Take it from someone who has ‘been there, done that.’
Alderman Dale Hodges just attended the TCA open house on January 21st and we had a chance to talk to him about this issue again. As you may or may not know, Council approved the land use change at their meeting on January 18th. However, rather than approving the land use change across the board, it has been approved with a Direct Control bylaw that is currently being amended. This DC Bylaw will only designate this residence as a daycare facility which will mean that if it is resold, the residence cannot become any other type of commercial business other than a daycare.
The city is in need of childcare facilites everywhere, not just here in Tuscany. What is in more need is a facility that is affordable. What is being proposed is a preschool with 30 children attending. To accomodate that many kids, the owner would have to pave the front yard and put a parking pad in the back to accomodate the parents and the staff.
The neighbours have been constantly mislead by the owners of the property. They even went so far as to speak for them in the coucil hearing as if we all support the school, even saying they have signed affidavites. That is fraud! 30 of the surrounding households oppose it!
The owner promises no new noise, no new traffic and no drop in property value. How can this be?
They have already been shut down by bylaw as having too many children in her care.
Would you like 30 kids in your backyard, and a neighbour who will do anything to get their way?
The last readings are Feb.8. Let’s hope this doesn’t go through….